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Year 13 Physicists win Institute of Physics Competition
1st December 2022

We are delighted to announce that SFC2 (Year 13) students, May and Margaret, won a national competition run by the Institute of Physics called 'Quantum on the Clock'. Their video, 'The Story of Blackbody Radiation', won best team video category and a prize of £300 to share and a yearlong subscription each to Physics World.

May and Margaret were invited for an expenses-paid trip to the Photon 2022 conference on 1st September 2022, which was hosted by the University of Nottingham. May was able to attend and was also taken to Nottingham’s Department of Physics for lab tours led by Nottingham researchers. The winners were announced in November, and May and Margaret were interviewed for the Physics World weekly podcast to talk about their winning entry.

Both May and Margaret are two of our Physics Reps, hoping to take Physics further at university. They, alongside our other two Physics Reps, run the CLC Physics Society.

Listen to Margaret and May's interview on the Physics Week podcast here

Miss Constantine, Acting Head of Physics